This is the Westside church of Christ in Salem, Virginia offering the fruit of our lips to The true and living God.
This is the Westside Church of Christ offering the fruit of our lips to the true and living God.
Offended by Jesus? That seems incredible to us. Yet, there have always been those who found Him and His teaching offensive: that there is only one way (John 14:6) in a world that preaches tolerance; that this way would be narrow (Matt. 5:13-14), restrictive to the few who find it; that the way would involve surrender and submission to a higher authority instead of freedom to go your own way.
Teacher- Ellis Stanley, II
Title: Singles: Understanding God's Love Towards You
Main Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11-14
For access to our discussion questions please visit us here:
revival meeting @ the kings coc.
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What do you get when you mix; 3 guys w/ over 30 years combined music-ministry experience, TRUE friendship, a passion to revive a dying world and failing church system with a message they need to hear and a late-night in a Brooklyn church...a magical moment!
#nhdmovement #thruthestorm