
Wilson Adams


You woke up this morning to a new normal. Schools closed. Restaurant dining rooms closed. Public events closed. Life as we know it: CLOSED.

Yesterday, the CDC announced recommendations of no gatherings of more than 50. That affects everything (weddings, funerals, church assemblies) and everyone. It will have a huge economic impact -on all of us.

Health care professionals know the crisis is real and worse than most of us think. The older population is especially at high risk and the risk is real. In countries like Italy, citizens are confined to home by law, hospitals are overrun, and there is widespread desperation.

The new normal isn't normal.

In times of anxiety, panic and fear, God's people must shine. Our faith must shine. Our love must shine. Our calm must shine. Neighbors, friends, and family are watching. What will they see?

Suddenly, we realize how little we control. And suddenly, those words on the Scripture-page become our go-to hope. Yes, God is still on the Throne. Result: faith wins over fear and prayer eases our worry.

Be still.
Be smart.
Be anxious for nothing.

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