A Few Words about Our Thrill-Seeking Culture
I fear this culture is affecting public worship. People are "going to church" — not to be challenged to think on spiritual things — but to be thrilled by the "special effects" generated by preachers and "worship leaders." Rather than songs, clearly worded and sung to praise God and to teach each other — words primarily appealing to the head rather than to the arms and feet — the order of the day is for "special effects" designed to give worshipers an emotional high. Sermons must be jazzed up with verbal and electronic special effects so that the audience can be thrilled rather than informed or convicted in their minds. I am not speaking of the use of visual aids, computer generated or otherwise. Visual aids are great tools when they truly "aid" the listener's understanding, but when used for emotional, thrill and awe value, they are questionable to say the least. I saw a video a while back of a congregation partaking of the Lord's Supper while an electronically produced large cross was "floating" around the auditorium. A little too much — me thinks.
As I read the New Testament, I get the idea public worship is to be done from the heart in a solemn manner, glorifying God and seriously reflecting on the words uttered in the songs, prayers and discourses.
John 4: 23 & 24
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
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