How Can I Prepare For Eternity?
How can I balance my life in Christ? How can I be a better, stronger Christian while struggling with my own sin? How can I effectively live in this World but not of this World?
These are all valid questions and I encourage any Christians on any stage of their walk in Christ to evaluate themselves in self reflecting and Spiritual inquiry like this. I believe it's healthy for continued growth and Christian maturity.
Here are some brief thoughts to help you along your Spiritual journey.
You can never earn your way into Heaven but you can daily work on living a life worthy of the calling. You can also live a life in preparation for Heaven.
Meaning, you'll never be perfect and will always sin but you can actively work on sinning less and preparing your mind, body, and soul for your walk in Christ as you are Heaven bound one step at a time. Don't get overwhelmed. Instead pick out some areas in your life that you can work on today and focus on changing those first. And as you make progress move on to the next area. There are aspects of your personality, thought process, behavior, eating habits, circle of friends, finances, and other personal aspects of your life that you can work on changing from the current way you view and handle those things to how Jesus views and would handle those things.
Don't give up on being a Christian because of the sin in your life or the pull from the World! Keep the Faith! God is counting on you and loves you and will get you through whatever you are going through!
For more on this topical discussion