Making Something Legal Does Not Make It Right
Just because something is made the law of the land does not make it good or moral or right. Legal is not automatically equivalent to right, or good. There have been many examples throughout history of rulers and legislative bodies of various countries and localities passing laws that made particular actions legal that were not necessarily moral or right or even beneficial to the society at large.
For example, many nations have historically made laws restricting freedom of religion. One of the driving forces in many Europeans immigrating to what would become the United States was a compelling desire to be able to practice their religious beliefs freely. It was common in a number of countries in that day to have a state sanctioned church. Other churches were restricted and often persecuted.
While most of those countries no longer practice that kind of legal discrimination, such is the norm in a good many other nations even today. Certainly, we would quickly point out the immorality of such legal positions. Furthermore, it could be demonstrated that openness toward, and tolerance of, varying religious beliefs is actually more productive of a society's development and well being.
Our own nation, built upon the premise of all men being created equal and each being due certain inalienable rights, among them being freedom, nonetheless sanctioned legal slavery for many years. While today we openly decry that part of our history, it was legal at that time. But being legal didn't make it right. Being legal didn't make it moral or good for our society. Indeed, the nation nearly came apart as it was ultimately forced to deal with that glaring contradiction of our identity as a “free” nation.
An almost unending list could be given of laws that were, in the final analysis, simply wrong! The new law of the land sanctioning marriage between two men or two women is but another example. Simple, common sense quickly sees such a relationship to be abnormal, and it's not mean to say so, on the basis of clear biblical teaching. It's simply recognizing obvious truth. The primary purpose of marriage is procreation, an impossibility through a marriage between two people of the same sex.
And, that does not begin to address how openly sanctioning such a relationship as being “normal” naturally throws into confusion young children's understanding of roles and identity based upon gender. We're seeing that disheartening confusion being played out across our land as we speak.
A question not being addressed, in regards to this new “law,” is what the next step will be. Don't think for a moment that legalizing marriage between two people of the same sex will be the end. This will naturally lead to demands for laws sanctioning other abnormal relationships. Once a door is opened, it's almost impossible to control passage through it. This is a social experiment with “disaster” written all over it!…

For example, many nations have historically made laws restricting freedom of religion. One of the driving forces in many Europeans immigrating to what would become the United States was a compelling desire to be able to practice their religious beliefs freely. It was common in a number of countries in that day to have a state sanctioned church. Other churches were restricted and often persecuted.
While most of those countries no longer practice that kind of legal discrimination, such is the norm in a good many other nations even today. Certainly, we would quickly point out the immorality of such legal positions. Furthermore, it could be demonstrated that openness toward, and tolerance of, varying religious beliefs is actually more productive of a society's development and well being.
Our own nation, built upon the premise of all men being created equal and each being due certain inalienable rights, among them being freedom, nonetheless sanctioned legal slavery for many years. While today we openly decry that part of our history, it was legal at that time. But being legal didn't make it right. Being legal didn't make it moral or good for our society. Indeed, the nation nearly came apart as it was ultimately forced to deal with that glaring contradiction of our identity as a “free” nation.
An almost unending list could be given of laws that were, in the final analysis, simply wrong! The new law of the land sanctioning marriage between two men or two women is but another example. Simple, common sense quickly sees such a relationship to be abnormal, and it's not mean to say so, on the basis of clear biblical teaching. It's simply recognizing obvious truth. The primary purpose of marriage is procreation, an impossibility through a marriage between two people of the same sex.
And, that does not begin to address how openly sanctioning such a relationship as being “normal” naturally throws into confusion young children's understanding of roles and identity based upon gender. We're seeing that disheartening confusion being played out across our land as we speak.
A question not being addressed, in regards to this new “law,” is what the next step will be. Don't think for a moment that legalizing marriage between two people of the same sex will be the end. This will naturally lead to demands for laws sanctioning other abnormal relationships. Once a door is opened, it's almost impossible to control passage through it. This is a social experiment with “disaster” written all over it!…
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