Why Does He Keep Saying "Yes"?

Why Does He Keep Saying “Yes” ?

Genesis 1, 3, 9
Go and be fruitful and multiply and have dominion over all the earth. The
encouragement and blessing, wrapping a blanket of abundance around His
beloved images, gifted as a promise, two times. First to the man and woman in
the garden and then to the only eight left, after the desperately needed water
cleansing of God’s creation. As Adam and Eve consume the fruit that promises to
give them something they already had in incomparable abundance, as Ham
disgraces his father so profoundly that the details are left mostly unsaid, what
was the Creator’s reaction?
Genesis 12, 15, 25, 26, 27
I will make a name for you; He promises three times. As Abram and Sarai seek to
accelerate the promise under their own power, as Isaac forgets that God is
everywhere, and as Jacob lies and steals to grasp what has already been
promised, how would God deal with this?
Exodus 15, 19, 32
I will be with you and my Glory will shine through you, God promises. As Israel
snatches and grabs at the waterfall of blessings God literally showers down upon
them, how can God continue to tolerate this?
1 Kings 2, 1 Chronicles 21
I will set a king on your throne forever; He promises. As David demands a census
of that which God has already said is innumerable, how could such blessing be
met with such impudence?
Zechariah 1, Malachi 1
If you will just put away your lovers and return to me with your whole heart, we
can be a family said the ache of God as countless prophets brought God’s
imploring message time and again. The people, his treasured possession, thumb
their collective noses, “What have we done wrong?” as they prostrate themselves
before the dead image of their own imagination, twisting and perverting the once
beautiful blessings given by God. How much unmitigated intentional blindness
can God tolerate?
If you had a relationship with such turmoil, is it something you would continue to
seek? What if you could see ahead into a relationship that you had not started
and this is the conflict and betrayal that you foresaw, would you turn back?
Make no mistake, Adam and Eve walked with God, Noah was righteous in his
day, Abraham was a friend of God, Isaac was the promised seed, Jacob was
renamed Israel to renounce the supplanted nature of his past, Israel took the land
of Canaan, David was a man after God’s own heart, and prophets like Daniel gave
a glimpse of what it might be like to truly reflect the glory of God. However, the
covenant, inspired and prompted by the Creator was so profoundly broken by
those who would benefit the most from it. Yet, The Guarantor relentlessly bound
himself to a relationship that would cost him everything; the beneficiary
constantly failing and The Guarantor never failing and constantly pursuing.

Revelation 14
Have you ever wondered why God stepped up to initiate a relationship repeatedly
with a recipient that would turn away his glory so many times. What will it take
to see that God truly, actually, wholly loves me? What will it take as I raise my
eyes to meet all my loved ones, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, strangers,
thieves, enemies and barbarians when I hear the blast of many waters say I LOVE
YOU and realize it applies to them too.
Maybe if for one moment I can push away the fog of all my beliefs and opinions,
my greed and my lust, my self-righteousness and piety. Maybe if I can just look
at what is right in front of me, openly and truly examine, the bloody cross and the
empty tomb; maybe that will be enough to heal my blindness.
- Steve Turquette


י ה ו ה and Jesus

One name so holy that it is never spoken and only written with
freshly washed hands.
One name so common that it is worn by millions even down to the
current day.
Both worn by the same God . . . Why?
- Steve Turquette

‘Twas A Sheep, Not A Lamb

C. C. Miller

‘Twas a sheep, not a lamb; that strayed away,
In the parable Jesus told;
A grown-up sheep that had gone astray,
From the ninety and nine in the fold.
Why, for the sheep, should we earnestly long,
And so earnestly hope and pray?
Because there is danger, if they go wrong,
They will lead the young lambs astray.
For the lambs follow the sheep, you know,
Wherever the sheep may stray.
If the sheep go wrong it will not be long,
Till the lambs are as wrong as they.
So with the sheep we earnestly plead,
For the safety of the lambs.
If the lambs are lost what a terrible cost,
The sheep will have to pay!

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