Music Ministry TeleSummit (Hosted By Earl Washington) 9/14/17 @ 6 pm

6:00 p.m.
"In The Name of Praise" presents
-Music Ministry TeleSummit 2017
"The 5 Most Important Things You Can Implement Right Now To Move Your Music Ministry Forward w/ IMPACT
Come be apart of this historic Teleseminar event where we"ll discuss for 5 Weeks the most relevant and current music ministry topics in real time.
TOPICS Include:
-Defining your "Why"
-Understanding the Power of Preparation
-Developing your own personal Method
-Keying in on Communication
-Doubling-down to Duplicate yourself
Participants will receive a 6 CD Audio set- recording of the sessions that will include a Bonus CD:
"8 Ways to know if your congregation is in position to Hire a Music Minister"
Register with the link below