• Church of Christ Global
    Careful to Answer

    When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were called before the king and faced charges of refusing to worship the golden image he had erected, Nebuchadnezzar asked, "Who is that god that shall deliver you out of my hands?" Things looked pretty dark. 

    But they replied, "We have no need to answer thee in this matter". The King James version reads, "We are not careful to answer thee in this matter" (Dan 3:15-16). The thought seems to be, we will not choose our words carefully ---- concerned lest we offend; we will not try to "talk our way out of" this situation.…

  • Church of Christ Global

    In the Bible, "diligence" refers to "haste," (being quick to act), "earnest care," being eager and desirous of acheiving a goal or result. Thus, we are to "study" (give diligence) to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Tim 2:15). Giving all diligence, we are to add to our faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love ( 2 Pet 1:5-7). Christians must "give diligence to make (their) calling and election sure" (2 Pet 1:10).

    "Cursed be the one who does the Lord's work negligently" ---that is, without diligence (Jer 48:10)! "Thou hast commanded us to keep thy percepts…

  • Church of Christ Global
    Toning It Down

    A "country meeting" had gone exceedingly well, and elders from another community asked the preacher to work with them the following year. He came at the appointed time, and found his reputation had spread, and the building was packed. The elders met him at the car, told him they had never had such a gathering of Methodists, Baptists, and no-church folk, so he must be very careful lest he offend someone with his forthright teaching.

    Being young and brash, and having no more tact than to tell the truth, he reminded them of the undiluted lessons that had been given…

  • Church of Christ Global
    Those "Other" Sinners

    (Luke 9:49) Answered what? The word may mean, "began to speak" but Vine says always "where something has preceded, either statement or act to which the remarks refer." The Harper-Bagster Lexicon says, "in N.T. to respond to certain present circumstances." What "brought on" John's remarks about the man he had "forbidden"?

    The preceding verses show that the Disciples has been disputing about how among them should be greatest, and Jesus had rebuked them for their pride. (Mark 9:33-37). John is not named specifically, but other passages say James and John…

  • Church of Christ Global
    Jesus Didn't "Evolve" on the Meaning of Marriage

    He went back to the original pattern. “.. He who made them from the beginning made them MALE and FEMALE, and said, For this cause shall a MAN leave his FATHER and MOTHER, and shall cleave to his WIFE; and the two shall become one flesh .....What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:4-6). This is God’s definition of a natural marriage as contrasted with that “which is against nature” (Romans 1:2627). To redefine marriage is to put asunder what God enjoined. This verse also shows God…

  • Church of Christ Global
    A Living, Transforming Hope

    It is reported that several years ago researchers did a study to determine the effect hope has on those undergoing hardship.  Two sets of laboratory rats were placed in separate tubs of water from which they could not escape unaided.  The researchers left one set in the water and found that within an hour the exhausted rats all drowned.

    The other rats were periodically lifted out of the water and then returned.  These animals swam for over 24 hours.  Why?  Not because they were given rest, but because they had hope!  They had come to believe that if they held…

  • Church of Christ Global
    Deer Hunter Chooses Death

    A deer hunter in Indianapolis, Indiana, fell out of a tree stand and suffered a severe spinal injury which paralyzed him from the shoulders down. The 32-year-old man was asked if he wanted to live in that state, to which he emphatically answered “no.” Life support was removed and he died five hours later.

    Certainly the great Judge of all the earth will do what is right for this man (Genesis 18:25), and I do not wish to judge him lest I be found in error in my judging. But the article went on to say that…

  • Church of Christ Global
    God Has His Own Clock

    One of the challenges that we face as children of God is to learn to wait on the Lord. Waiting for anything is hard. Most of us want what we want on our time schedule, which usually means we want it sooner than later. This mentality sometimes creeps into our personal dealings with God. When we are anticipating a particular blessing from God, perhaps something for which we have recently prayed, it is easy to lose patience when the blessing doesn’t arrive when we think it should. Once in a while we forget that God operates on His own time…

  • Church of Christ Global
    The Samaritan Woman's Success

    Have you ever noticed that in John 4 the apostles went into Sychar, came back out to Jesus, and not one single person started following Jesus. Yet, the Samaritan woman went into the exact same city and many of the Samaritans came out to see Jesus. Many of those came out began to believe in Jesus. (John 4:39-42)

    Why did this happen? I see two reasons. The first is a shortcoming on the part of the apostles and the second was an advantage on the part of the Samaritan woman.

    First, the apostles’ shortcoming: The apostles…

  • Church of Christ Global
    It's All About the People

    God has given us great illustrations of faithfulness, couched in the character and personalities of men. For instance, have you ever considered:

    The faithfulness of Abraham? Abraham left Ur of the Chaldees of his own free will, choosing deliberately to go out, “not knowing whither he went.” Think about that. You want to talk about faith? “By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country,” (Heb. 11:9), “for he looked for a city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God” (11:10). He saw, by the eye of faith, something better. Do…