(Craig Thomas)
Many years ago, I received my undergraduate degree in Animal Sciences. My specific area of interest in that broad category of science was dairy cows. As an undergraduate I took a course in dairy cattle judging. Every breed of dairy cattle has a breed association that oversees the continual development and promotion of that breed (e.g., Holstein, Jersey, Guernsey, etc.). Each breed association has what is called the "ideal cow" that possesses all the desired physical characteristics of that specific breed. Each breed even has portraits and…
The Transformative Power of Prayer
Prayer isn’t just a religious ritual but also a profound and intimate connection of humanity and the divine. It is an important and sacred conversation that shapes our spiritual walk and influences our lives in ways we could never imagine. As followers of Christ, we are called to embrace prayer as a transformative practice that rejuvenates and strengthens our faith, nurtures and grows our relationship with God, and impacts the lives of the people around us. I…
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The Scriptures show us that two elements ought to be considered as we make choices about our clothes. First, we have the absolutes of God's law. Throughout the Bible we find that something called "nakedness" is condemned. This is not complete nudity. The term is used to describe the display of certain parts…
What goes into your mind, then, is extremely important. Be careful about the interests you acquire, the tastes you cultivate, the…
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The post Isaiah’s Calling appeared first on South Seminole Church Of Christ.