End of Year concert 2015. Directed by Arielle Songbird Dixon
End of Year concert 2015. Directed by Arielle Songbird Dixon
End of Year concert 2015. Directed by group's founder Sis. Dorothy Wells and Portia Askew
End of Year concert 2015. Directed by Michael Wilson.
End of Year concert 2015. Directed by Michael Wilson
1. Jason Walker - Nobody Like You Lord
2. Chris Turner - I'll Go On
3. Committed Acapella - Keep On Climbing
4. Straight Company - Watching Me
5. Inner City Singers - Build Up A Nation
6. David Wilson - The Lord Will Provide
7. Southside Singers - I Don't Mind
8. Elijah Bush Sr. - Hard Fighting Soldier
9. ASAP - God Will Provide
10. Curtis Williamson - Thank You Lord
11. Devoted - Everything's Gonna Be Alright
12. Chris Turner - This May Be The Last Time
13. Steve Adams - He's My Guide
14. Melo-D-Heirs - It's Amazing
End of Year concert 2015- Newark church of Christ. Praise God Dominic is still able to sing praises after surviving a bad accident! Great job!
End of Year concert 2015 at Newark church of Christ in New Jersey. Directed by Amy Walker
Easternnaires End of Year concert 2015. Special group remembering Deborah Spears.
PkDee bringing down the house! Easternnaires End of Year concert 2015 in Newark, New Jersey.