5/29/10 - Reunion, lunch at Southern Smokehouse in Philadelphia, Pa. Thier building was sold and their last day is Memorial Day 2010.
5/29/10 - Reunion, lunch at Southern Smokehouse in Philadelphia, Pa. Thier building was sold and their last day is Memorial Day 2010.
Easternnaires Reunion Concert 2010 @ Overbrook Park church of Christ in Philadelphia, Pa.
Easternnaires Reunion Concert at Overbrookk Park church of Christ in Philadelphia, Pa.
Easternnaires singing at the Southern Smokehouse in Philadelphia, Pa.
Reunion 2010
Easternniares Reuniion Concert in Philadelphia, Pa. 5/30/2010
Sunday morning during offereing time.Church located in Detroit, Michigan.
Singing preacher on last night of the "The Bible Is Right" Revival at Newark church of Christ in New Jersey
Sunday morning in Detroit, Michigan. Minister Dr. James Mark Thompson taking confession and leading the prayer.
Singing preacher from Peoria church of Christ in Tulsa, Oklahoma.Excerpt from sermon on last night of the "The Bible Is Right" Revival. Hosted by Newark church of Christ in New Jersey.The Bible Is Right" Revival.
Singing preacher from Peoria church of Christ in Tulsa, Oklahoma. "The Bible Is Right" Revival. Hosted by Newark church of Christ in New Jersey.