• Wisdom and Absurdity

    John Stuart Mill said, “That which seems the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes the height of wisdom in the next.” He had a point. And I think the reverse is also true: That which seems the height of wisdom in one age may come to be seen as the height of absurdity a generation or two down the road. In both cases, the reason is that men’s evaluation of such things is always shifting.

    Consider our country’s view of marriage. A couple of generations ago, the very idea of legalized same-sex…

  • Thoughts Around the Lord's Table

    When we eat the Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week, it’s customary for a brother to read from the Scriptures and make a few remarks to help us get in the proper frame of mind. This is a good practice. However, over the years I’ve observed two problems that can arise and, in some cases, actually make it harder for folks to have their minds where they need to be. For the men who lead in this part of our worship, watching out for these two hazards can help us all have…

  • Joy Amidst Life’s Struggles
  • To The Law

    The post To The Law appeared first on South Seminole Church Of Christ.

  • Bulletin September 24, 2023

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    R. J. Evans)

    Based on how often we hear the expression "Everything happens for a reason," you would think the answer to our title would be a definite "yes". Some time back, while watching a professional football player on TV being interviewed, and in commenting on his team's loss, he remarked, "I know everything happens for a reason." And I can think of many other examples and situations in which this statement is used even by members of the Lord's church.

  • Three Songs and a Prayer

    Three Songs and a Prayer


    Today’s popular rebellion against “the establishment” has spawned both

    good and bad elements. As might be expected, there are some who are

    genuinely concerned that cold formalism and traditional bindings give way

    to sincere, spontaneous worship of the true God. And there are those who

    use current discussions to promote childish emotions and clap-trap

    schemes to “improve the worship” – schemes as much or more mechanical

    than those…

  • Questions That Need Answers
    If you can’t prove it scientifically then it’s not true, and I won’t believe it!” If you’ve spoken to anyone who is a secular humanist or a Darwinian evolutionist, this response is familiar. If you’ve spoken to him about the Bible, about Christ, heaven, salvation, sin, etc., many times the response to it is the same: “It sounds neat, but this can’t be proven scientifically!” What these people refer to is physical science. Physical science has limitations.

    For example, experimental science is amazing, and it helps us understand many complex things about the physical world. An experiment by definition…

  • Are you Satan’s host?

    (Garren Stroud)

    I was watching a science show the other night investigating what made criminals, criminals. The researcher began by doing C.A.T. scan on many prisoners who were serial killers. The scan showed an almost exact match on areas of the brain thought to be where compassion and love came from, and found these areas to be shut-down in every subject studied. Then the researcher did DNA testing for genes that might be common and found the so-called "Warrior" gene to be present in every test subject.

    At this point in the…

  • The Boat

    The Boat

    A man was asked to paint a boat. He brought his paint and brushes and
    began to paint the boat a bright red, as the owner asked him. While
    painting, he noticed a small hole in the hull, and quietly repaired it. When
    he finished painting, he received his money and left.
    The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and presented him
    with a nice check, much higher than the payment for painting. The painter
    was surprised and said “You’ve already paid me for painting the boat, Sir!”
    “But this is not for the…

  • Remember the Cross
    At the cross, Christ accomplished our salvation, forgiveness, and our justification (Isa. 53; Rom. 5:6-9). We need to remember the cross so it can have a constant and permanent influence on our lives. Each Lord’s Day, we “break the bread in memory of that great sacrifice on Calvary.”

    I want to pose a couple of questions in this article. Do you personalize the cross? When we remember the shame and grueling pain our loving Savior accomplished on the cross, do we consider that our sins and iniquities put Him on the cross?

    Do we consider that our sins…

  • Bulletin September 17, 2023

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