Easternnaires-I Can Tell The World
Christian echoes at their concert singing Bound and Chained, soloist Juanita Lee sister of Deborah Walker.
Redeemed of the NY tri-state area, with Deborah Cotton leading , The Lord Stepped In Right On Time. Group is made up mainly of former Easternnaires.
wriiten by: Louise Harris in 1952 SWCC Alumni sing "the school song" at the SWCC annual dinner.
written by: Sylvia Rose,lead by Stephanie Keith, directed by Sis, Wells
written by:Earl Washington, New Day with Earl leading Songs of My Soul
Exciting Enchanters from Newark Church of Christ in NJ...lead singer Willie Ben Johnson leading , We Are The One
Easternnaires-Victoria Bennett- Trust In Him with Deborah Cotton directing.
Johnson Singers from Newark Church of Christ in NJ singing He's Sweet I Know with Bro. Stanley giving his testimony. This was at the Philadelphia Youth Conference (PYC)
Christian Echoes concert. Staten Island, NY