IMPORTANT!!!! See VIDEO # 550 for change of information!!!
Dr. Shabazz from the Harlem Church of Christ announces Acapella goes to the Apollo in Sept. 2009.
IMPORTANT!!!! See VIDEO # 550 for change of information!!!
Dr. Shabazz from the Harlem Church of Christ announces Acapella goes to the Apollo in Sept. 2009.
Harold Robinson surrounded by dynamic preachers singing- Your Grace and Mercy Wednesday night
Voices Imparting Praise (V.I.P.)@ a gospel concert. Cornelius leading.
Sis. Darlene from Staten Island CoC leading the Northeastern Ladies Retreat in "Sing Halelujah"
Harold Robinson's group- Do It For Me--- I ran out of disc space :(
at the Poconos in Pennsylvania
Newark CoC combined group Anyway You Bless Me Lord
Easternnaiers (small group) 2008 3rd Sunday singing- How Excellent
27th Northeastern Lectureship held at Harlem Church of Christ