Warning Against “That First Instinct”
The following is from the commencement address at The Citadel, given by
General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on May 6, 2006:
Check your moral compass frequently. I have seen it both in
combat and in peace. If you do not know who you are walking into
a situation, you may not like who you are when you're done. When
I was a lieutenant in Vietnam, I lost Lance Corporal Guido
Ferranaro from Bethpage, New York, a 19-year-old Marine, to a
sniper – the first Marine I’d ever lost in combat. I…
A Meal Shared
This time of year we gather around tables as family and friends and so it seems
natural to consider what is within a meal we share? At its very basic component
level is the sustenance to maintain our bodies need for caloric consumption and
supply energy to each of its organs for their purpose within the body. However,
despite its simplicity – it’s so much more.
Food represents love in its physical form. In the beginning of creation God could
have proposed that man only eat Manna. This bland flour would sustain man all
of his days and…
(by Tommy Thornhill)
At this time of year, when people want to ignore, downplay, or do away with what is known the world over as Christmas, well-meaning people speak out saying, "Don't you know Jesus is the reason for the season?" Many people sincerely believe this, but is it true? Please think with me on this matter.
Speaking as a Christian and a preacher, I must always be truthful in teaching on any Bible subject. Concerning the birth of Jesus, the Gospel of Matthew and Luke…