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A Working Faith - Rahab
In Joshua 2, the children of Israel begin their military push across the Jordan
River to take over and occupy the promised land of Canaan. Joshua sent out two
spies to view the land and city of Jericho. Once entering the city, the spies lodged
at the house of a woman who came both an ally for the army of Israel and an
example of faith for Christians.
The story of Rahab in a fascinating one and I find it interesting how God will use
people from all walks of life in a multitude of different…
Recovering From Disaster
Thomas Carlyle was a 19 th century Scottish philosopher, historian and teacher.
The following quote is attributed to him:
“Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles,
discouragements, and impossibilities: it is this that in all things
distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.”
Those words have special meaning when one considers one of the most
memorable events in his life.
Carlyle is famous for his history of the French Revolution. He worked on it with
passion and diligence late into the nights throughout 1834. When he had
completed Volume One, he sent it to his friend,…